
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Halloween Celebration! (Milky Way)

The weather has been fairly good this week and so our class spent some fun time outdoors to enjoy the cool autumn breeze and observe the changing of the color of the leaves. Even though our walk to the park is kind of long, it seems like they don’t feel tired doing it. They are actually enjoying this exercise! We enjoyed our time in the park this week, the autumn season is perfect for our outdoor activities.


In Gym, we’ve been practicing different gymnastic moves. The Milky Way kids practiced doing back roll and cartwheel on a foam mattress this week. These moves were a bit challenging for most of them but through practice and determination, for sure they will also get better at these.


This week, we have also celebrated one of the most anticipated events of the school year and that is the Halloween Party! In preparations for this celebration, we learned about the history of Halloween. We also talked about the traditions of other countries when celebrating this event. The students learned that monsters and scary things are some of the symbols of Halloween, and so they have made their own monster creations using different craft materials. We used them as extra decorations in our classroom for the Halloween Celebration.


Our Halloween Party is one for the books! Everyone dressed up as their favorite character. We had a mini fashion show inside our classroom and all of them seemed to enjoy showing off their costumes. After that, we played Halloween-themed games such as pin the spider, fish the treats, build the skeleton, and many more. At the end of the day, everyone received a special bag of treats. It was a really fun-filled celebration!

ハロウィンパーティー当日。ミルキーウェイのみんなが自分の好きなコスチュームを着て登園してきてくれました!クラスではミニファッションショーを行い、一人一人がランウェイを歩いて自分のコスチュームをみんなに見せました。自慢のコスチュームを見せて、とっても嬉しそうなミルキーさん達♬ その後はハロウィーンにちなんだゲームをたくさんしました。クモ当てゲーム、お宝釣りゲーム、スケルトンパズル、フルーツバスケットなど盛り沢山!最後は指令ゲームをしながら、トリートバックを受け取りました。とっても楽しいお祝いの一日になりました。

Thank you all for reading our blog! Until next time!


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