
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


These adorable Earth Heroes are Graduating! (Milky Way)

This week we just concluded our final unit in the Milky Way class, which is all about Natural Resources. 

After learning about the importance of natural resources in people’s lives, the students decided that they should give back to our planet through their simple actions. So after reading the book “The Giving Tree” each of the Milky Way kids made a promise to the Earth and wrote one simple action that they can do to conserve our natural resources. It is never too early to teach the kids to be environmentalists.

For our Summative Assessment, the students accomplished the Earth Hero Project, which is a campaign about the conservation of natural resources. Each student chose which natural resource they would like to focus on and from there they cite the importance and ways to save this resource. They presented their work to their friends, both in the Milky Way and Rainforest classes and they encouraged each other to conserve natural resources. We hope that the students were able to encourage you as well to be Earth Heroes through this simple campaign.

Next week we will have the most anticipated of the Preschool students and it is their graduation ceremony! It was a pleasure teaching the Milky Way class. They were all so well behaved and smart, it is hard not to fall in love with them! They all possess the IB learner profile attributes and they are all ready to make the big leap to elementary school! 

Thank you all, dear parents, for being so supportive of our class. We hope that you enjoyed reading about our learning journey as much as we enjoyed our activities in the classroom! See you all on the Graduation Day! Keep safe everyone and enjoy the weekend!

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