
Shimauchi Preschool


A Spectacular Christmas Show (Canyon)

Oh, no! My baby is running away!

I am Gingerbread man!

Hmmmm… Gingerbread man looks tasty!

Those are some of the lines to be delivered by Canyon students tomorrow on our Christmas Show. You’ll see how they can express the right emotions/feelings needed for their roles. You’ll also see how these young children can play bells and castanets with the piano accompaniment. They’ll be singing Jingle Bells and Santa Clause is Coming to Town for the opening and closing songs! And finally, practices and rehearsals are over!





Since our Line of Inquiry focuses on expressing ones feelings through art, our class began to discover and to use different art media types and one of these is chalk. They had a wet chalk drawing experience not on the blackboards or walls but in the paper. They drew a snowman and snowflakes. They were able to draw using circles and lines.


In phonics, we talked about lowercase letters q, r, s, and t together with the sounds they make. We watched this video that helped the students recall the letters, sounds, and word examples.

フォニックスの学習では、 q, r, s の小文字に注目し、それぞれのアルファベットが作る音について話し合いました。下記のビデオを見て、それぞれの音やそのアルファベットから始まる単語を復習しました。



Christmas is coming soon, we’ll have more to do about it! Have a great weekend!


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