
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


August 28 – September 1

This week Savanna and Shooting Star went to the fire station!  We learned about the four different fire engines that are at the Nagisa Fire Station, and how far they might drive when called. These fire engines can go all the way to Kamikochi!  We also learned about the ambulance that is there, and all of the equipment the vehicles have.  We even were there when someone called for help, and the ambulance had to leave.  All of the students practiced answering, “What number do you call if you need help?”  “119!”
At school, we practiced the letter ‘c’ in our daily phonics.  We learned new words, and played games.  We practiced adding single digit numbers, comparing sizes of objects, measuring objects, and comparing numbers to see which is greater and which is less.  We also wrote thank you notes to the firefighters, and have started writing short sentences.
In our unit of study, we talked about buildings that help us, and reviewed shops.  All of the students have worked hard to make their very own shop, and will be presenting them soon to share what they have learned.  We will also be making models of buildings that help, to add to our learning.  We will be able to study and make a fire station, a hospital, a police station, and a doctor’s office.  The students have had a lot of fun pretending to be someone who would work in one of these buildings.
The whole school has also been busy practicing for the sports festival on September 22!  We are so excited to have parents come and see what we have been working so hard on!  Savannah and Shooting Star are becoming very good dancers, as well as very fast runners!
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消防署見学の翌日。みんなでRole Playをしました!消防士さんのバッチを作ってSavanna Fire Fightersになりきりました。

Fire Fightersのポーズがヒーロー戦士に見えるのは私だけでしょうか。。。笑


TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Shooting Star / August 28 – September 1