
Gojo Elementary School


Grade 1 – Super eventful week!

It has been a very eventful week for grade 1! We revisited unit 2 and 3 while still exploring and learning about unit 4.

イベントが多いSuper weekを過ごしたGrade1の活動をご紹介していきます🌞🌈

We went back to our garden from unit 2 and we picked, pulled an cutted the weed for out sweet potato picking. Grade 1 students became one big team to make the garden look as nice and easy as possible to find our sweet potatoes. We reflected on our second unit about gardening while picking the weed!


We then went sweet potato picking. We found loads of sweet potatoes, which was a great surprise! Grade 1 were caring and great communicators when picking the sweet potatoes. We worked together and shared the shovels around as well as told each other where the potatoes were. We are all so excited to eat the sweet potatoes!

Another exciting thing that happened was the field trip! We revisted unit 3, our transportation unit, by going to the Matsumoto art museum using different modes of transportation. We took the school bus, then the train, then walked all the way to the museum. Grade 1 students reflected on how we ride these transportations and what kind of behaviour we should show. They were all very principled and moved around safely.

Field tripです!!!皆この日をとても楽しみにしていました!1日屋外で活動するため、お弁当を準備したり、松本美術館でアートについて触れたり、あがたの森公園で体いっぱい動かす活動をしました!

When we got to the museum grade 1 students quietly observed different artists’ artworks. They all picked their favourite art and wrote about it. We then had lunch, made some of our own art inspired by the museum and then played until we got exhausted at the Agatanomori park! It was a long and packed day, but students had lots of fun!

TOP / Gojo Elementary School / G1 / Grade 1 – Super eventful week!