
Gojo Elementary School


Fare thee well

And so, that’s that.

Another year older and hopefully, another year wiser.

Grade 4 has been a pleasure to teach and it has been all the easier because of what a wonderful group of young people they are. A credit to you their families and I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you for making my job (and life) so much easier. Thank you.

It has been really beautiful watching friendships and personalities both take root and blossom, as well as being able to observe everyone develop in their own ways. From language skills to academic prowess, to creative abilities and physical development. Everyone has shown some degree of growth as well as the ability to self-reflect on what they would like to be doing better.

In this our final week together as Grade 4, we have mostly been finishing off work and preparing ourselves for the next school year. We also took time to get outside and enjoy the warm and sunny weather, playing kick-base and badminton with Grade 3.

It only seems like yesterday that we were beginning this journey together and now the day after tomorrow, we bid farewell. I guess time does fly when you’re having fun.

So thank you one and all for a wonderful and memorable year together.

May you all continue to grow, healthy, kind and wise.

Fare thee well,


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