Happy new year everyone! I hope your 2025 has been smashing, wonderful and happy so far!
Grade 3 ended their year on a high, busting blocks and rewriting the Jurassic era with their Christmas performance, Jurassic Potter! We worked hard on coming up with a title, characters, locations, events, a script, dialogue, props and costumes for the day! In rehearsals, we continuously honed our performances, working on expressing characters emotions through voice and movement. In many rehearsals students adlibbed new dialogue and sight gags, evolving, developing and improving what we had! I was so happy to see their efforts pay off!
This year we have been dipping our toes into the muddy waters of history. We are hoping to divine some line from the past through to the present and in doing so, hopefully gain some insight into what the future might hold! Each student has chosen a noun for one topic and a verb for another. Their choices include toys, computers, eating, travelling and playing! Students will be thinking about the histories of these topics, how they interact with these topics and how things may change in the future in relation to them! I’m looking forward to seeing what conclusions will arise!