
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Mixing Colors! (Aurora Nov. 16-20)

Hello everyone!
This week in UOI lesson, we moved to the next LIO3: Creating Arts to show their feelings. First of all, we asked the students how they felt that day and let them drew their feelings using different shapes and lines. Most of them drew happy and excited faces. Well done, Aurora!


Our next lesson will be about Colors of Emotions, but before that, we started exploring creating new colors by mixing two different colors. They mixed red and yellow to create orange, blue and yellow for green, red and white for pink, blue and pink for purple, black and white for gray, and black and red for brown. Because everybody wanted to try and very excited in this activity, we gave each of them a chance to do it!


Before the Autumn season ends, Aurora went to the park and collected some dried leaves at the park and used them for our craft. They made a mask using paper plate with two holes on it as eyes. Then, they pasted the leaves all over the plate.

秋が終わってしまう前にオーロラさんは南部公園へ落ち葉拾いに行きました🔍 クラフトに使えそうな綺麗な落ち葉を一生懸命探して集めました。クラフトは落ち葉のお面をつくりました。自分たちが拾った落ち葉をお皿(先生が目を切り抜いて)作ったお面にボンドで貼り付けました!廊下に飾ってあるので、是非見てあげてください😉 落ち葉拾いのあとは、みんなの本命、遊具でいっぱい遊びました✌

Gym class was also fun! After some stretching exercises, our boys and girls were challenged to do a race with different starting positions such as squatting position, and laying on the floor postion. And as they hear the whistle blown by the teacher, they have to start running. Another activity was doing forward roll from standing position which is the basic tumbling skill. It promotes body awareness and control, which leads to increased coordination of the body and the mind. 


In Math, five ordinal numbers were added such as 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th. Ten students were lined up in front, and the teacher asked them who was in the 1st-10th position.


In Phonics, we focused on lowercase letters d, e, and f. Finding the right lowercase letters written in the ice cream was really fun!

フォニックスでは小文字のd, e, fを勉強しました。アイスクリームのアクティビティもみんなでやり、とっても楽しく学ぶことができました🥰

Thank you for reading this blog! Have a great long weekend!


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