
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Meadow October 22-26

The Halloween Party was AWESOOOOME! Costumes, fun, games, treats, candies and lots of photo opportunities – a winning combination for a FABULOUS party. Thank you, Meadow and Parents for being such a fun bunch with your dress-up. Let’s relive those awesome moments again…

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In Meadow, we play hard and work hard too. The class learned about letters Ll and Mm. ‘Ll’ for lemon, ladybug, lion. ‘Mm’ for Mummy, monkey, moon, mouse. We examined a lemon and tasted it. Sour, but it smelled really refreshing!
クラスのお友達は、遊びに学びにいつも一生懸命です。今週はLl とMmを学びました。‘Ll’ は lemon(レモン), ladybug(テントウムシ), lion(ライオン). ‘Mm’ は Mummy(ママ), monkey(サル), moon(月)mouse(ネズミ)とたくさんの単語も覚えました。レモンは実際にクラスで本物を切って、匂いを嗅いだりしてみました。すっぱーい!!でも爽やかないい香りがしました。
We had an earthquake drill and Meadow class did so well. They understood the seriousness of the drill. No one fooled around and they listened closely to the Teachers’ instructions. Our little ones took cover under the table quickly and quietly. Great job, Meadow!

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We have been learning about the 4 seasons with the song below. Enjoy and have a lovely weekend!

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Meadow / Meadow October 22-26