Hello Everyone! It’s been awhile, I want to apologize for missing a blog or two, since I just got back from being sick and the other time we had website issues, I’m hoping you’re all doing well healthwise. For this weeks blog I will be including the highlights from the past weeks activities, It’s going to be a bit lengthy than usual, and for that I want to say thank you for your patience and understanding.
Week of November 4th-8th
November is here and it’s getting more and more chilly by the day, some trees started changing their colors from green to yellow, orange or red.
In class we also shifted from Halloween mode to now getting ready for our Christmas Show. Our show will be in line with our past and current UOI’s.
This week the kids got busy with their usual weekly scheduled activity from Dance, Swimming and Music lessons. At the same time we also did a lot of practice for our Christmas Show. We read the story to the kids, they learned their lines with the group, they tried to remember the play’s sequence and the different scenes, they also gave some brilliant, cool ideas that we added to the play and we did some acting too. As we practiced for the show the kids are expressing their different emotions and feelings that we’ve learned in our UOI3.
今週もオーロラさんたちはダンス、水泳、音楽のレッスンと、毎週の決まったアクティビティで忙しく過ごしました。同時に、クリスマスショーの練習もたくさんしました。みんなに物語を読み聞かせ、グループと一緒にセリフを覚え、劇の順序や様々なシーンを覚えようとしました。ショーの練習をしながら、UOI3 で学んだ様々な感情や気持ちも表現しています。

Week of November 11th – 22nd
The highlight of last week and this week, is our ongoing practice and preparation for the Christmas Show.This week we went and experienced the big stage, we had our first rehearsal. It was a bit overwhelming but being there gives the kids an idea of what to expect. The kids are getting better at remembering the lines, the placements and the scenes, Next we will be working on their acting skills to help them be more comfortable when they do the show on the big stage. For Aurora this will be their performance debut meaning this will be the first time ever they will act on stage, it is nerve wracking for everyone (both the students and for the teachers) but we believe that with practice and preparation we can get more confident which can help us deliver a successful and fun Christmas Show.
We still have a long way to go, we need to work more and practice more. So far we did our dress rehearsals (super cute) and photo shoot that we will be using for promoting the show…coming soon. We also did some background props that we will be using on the stage for the show.

I would like to ask the family to please praise the kids for their hard work this week and to encourage them. Give them your support and tell the kids that you are looking forward to their upcoming performance to motivate them. Thank you in advance.
That’s 3 weeks worth of blog, Thank You so much for your time and patience. Have an amazing weekend.