After the Christmas Show buzz, we started inquiring for the next unit, about cultures around the world. To discover what we know about this unit, we had a brainstorming of what culture is. Unknowingly, we know so much about it. After that, we did a self-assessment using the SOLO Taxonomy where we think we are in this topic.

Since it’s Christmas season, we talked about the Christmas traditions in different countries. Each country has a unique way of celebrating Christmas; others don’t celebrate at all. We learned that some countries have different gift-givers aside from Santa Claus from the US. There are Julenissen from Norway, La Befana of Italy, Krampus of Austria, and more. Japan doesn’t have Santa Claus so we thought of our version of Japanese gift-giver with their original name.

In the middle of the week, we had fun craft activities. We made a parol, a traditional Philippine star-shaped Christmas decoration, and a Christmas gingerbread man.

Happy birthday, December babies!