What a wonderful week it was!
This year, after weeks of practice, anticipation, and a dash of holiday magic, we finally got to perform and have our tiny voices heard in the Nagano Arts Center’s act space.

The Journey to the Stage
From the very first rehearsal, it was clear that this wasn’t just another holiday event. We were all bursting with enthusiasm. We sang jolly carols, learned cute dances, and memorized our lines with the determination that this year’s show would be a memorable one. Every rehearsal was filled with giggles, a few missed cues, and lots of “Oops! I forgot my line!” moments. But there was something incredibly special about seeing tiny faces light up when we finally got it right.
Everyone worked together, Milky Way friends, teachers, and our parents– turning the classroom into a stage, transforming cardboard into decorations, and fitting us into our costumes. It wasn’t just about putting on a show; it was about giving us a chance to shine and feel the thrill of being part of something bigger.
最初のリハーサルから、これは単なるホリデー イベントではないことは明らかでした。私たちはみんな熱意にあふれていました。陽気なキャロルを歌い、かわいいダンスを習い、今年のショーは思い出に残るものにしようと決意してセリフを暗記しました。リハーサルでは毎回笑い声が聞こえ、キューを逃したり、「しまった! セリフを忘れた!」という場面がたくさんありました。でも、やっとうまくできたときに小さな顔が輝くのを見るのは、信じられないほど特別なことでした。
ミルキー ウェイの友達、先生、ご両親など、みんなが協力して、教室をステージに変え、段ボールを飾りに変え、私たちに衣装を着せました。ショーを披露するだけではなく、私たちに輝く機会を与え、もっと大きなものの一部になる興奮を感じてもらうことが目的でした。

Backstage Anticipation
The big day arrived, and the energy backstage was electric. We were dressed up as Santa and little people. Our nervousness turned into excitement as we knew that our parents and loved ones were there rooting for us.

The Big Performance
And then… the curtains open! It was the moment everyone had been waiting for. We stood on stage, facing the sea of friendly faces in the audience. Some were a little wide-eyed, unsure of what to do next, but many were already in our element, belting out our lines and swaying to the music.

It was a magical day, indeed!

Thank you to our parents for supporting us all the way.
Happy Holidays from Milky Way Class!