
Nagano Preschool

Nagano Preschool

Nagano Rainbow – (September 7-10)

Hello everyone!

It has been a fun week here in Rainbow class! We did some fun crafts, had our fun music and gym lessons and have kept learning new things.

Gym lesson

For the gym lesson this week, we started off my walking over a hill made with the mat. At first, they just had to walk over, but then they had to jump across it too! They also rolled across the mat, where the goal was to roll across it as straight as possible. We finished the lesson by practicing a forward roll.
I was amazed to see so many great forward rolls!

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Crafts (Respect for the Aged Day)

In preparation for the upcoming Respect for the Aged Day, we had fun making handprints.
We used blue color for their left hands and pink for their right hands.
Of course, we wont spoil what the final craft will look like, so please look forward to seeing it soon!

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Music lesson

We had another very fun music lesson this week.
First, we took a look at a picture book of the ocean. We talked about the waves in the ocean, and how we could make our own waves using some rope!
Everyone paired up with each child holding one end of the rope. They them shook the rope to make big and small waves.

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Classroom lessons

September’s theme (Vegetables)

We continued to learn about vegetables. This week we focused on the following vegetables:
Potato, cucumber, onion, peppers and eggplant.
As always, we talk about the taste, color, shape and whether we like or dislike it.

Pre-writing Skills

In order to get our youngsters ready to write, we need to get them used to drawing lines and shapes.
This month, we have started tracing lines to build up their eventual writing skills.

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TOP / Nagano Preschool / Rainbow / Nagano Rainbow – (September 7-10)