
Shimauchi Preschool


Rainforest and Working Together: August 28 to September 2

Rainforest has a common goal – a shared target and that is to make our Sports Festival a success! A goal is a target that you set for the future – short term or long term. We will be dwelling more on individual and team goals in the coming month for our next line of inquiry.

We read David McKee’s Elmer and the Big Bird to help us think about achieving a common goal. In this story, the jungle birds were being frightened by a nasty bird. Elmer devised a plan to scare that nasty bird away, but this plan needed all the birds to work together as one. Rainforest students made insightful comments: “They are all the small birds flying together! This story is like Swimmy the little fish story! Elmer is clever!”

To make our Sports Festival a success, we need to have a plan too. We will have races, performances and decorations. So Rainforest has been working hard practising their performance routines, passing the baton and painting! There are challenges but being good risk takers we try new things and not give up! “Ah, this is difficult. I may forget the steps. I’m nervous. We can help each other” were some of the concerns and assurances. Rainforest students are demonstrating some of the traits of our IB Learner Profile – Risk taker, Caring. Well done!

The schoolyard is almost ready. We were able to explore the coloured tyres – stepping, climbing, jumping off them! We had an Earthquake Drill too and a debrief after. The class was really responsive and knew what to do because there was no forewarning at all. Good job!

Till the next season, take care and have a fabulous weekend!

TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Rainforest / Rainforest and Working Together: August 28 to September 2