
Shimauchi Preschool


World Celebration – Savanna 11/13 – 11/17

The temperature has started dropping and our surroundings are getting colder every day, but not in Savannah Class, they get high as they continue their inquiry about World Celebration, and their curiosity gets warmer, as their eagerness to find the answer to their questions continues to burn inside.

Together with the Rainforest class, We welcomed two guest speakers in our class this week. First, our class was graced by the presence of our lovely parents from Brazil and their friend, who used to live in Latin America. They shared with us some information and their country and some cultural events. After that, they let us enjoy making musical instruments out of recycled materials: Everyone magically turned the materials things to musical instruments without instructions from the speakers or the teachers. It was very impressive and everyone had a blast playing with everybody!



The 2nd guest speaker stole the hearts of our inquirers as soon as she stepped into the classroom; She was a pretty lady with a very cute voice and a very interesting presentation. She shared about Le Vu Lan, a celebration in her country, Vietnam, where people remember their dead loved ones give respect to their parents, and extend help to the needy. Our inquirers were most interested in the flower candle which people flow on the river with their wishes and prayers.

2人目のゲストスピーカーには、ベトナムの伝統行事について話をしてもらいました。とても可愛らしい方で、教室に入るやいなやみんなの心を掴んでしましました。彼女の出身国、ベトナムでは、亡くなった愛する人たちを偲び、両親を敬い、困っている人を助けるという行事である、「Le Vu Lan」という行事があり、それについて話してくれました。プレゼンテーションの中で出てきた、川に浮かべる花ろうそくについて、みんな興味津々でたくさん質問をしました。「Le Vu Lan」は日本のお盆ににている行事で、お墓参りをしたり、亡くなった人を偲ぶ点など、たくさんの共通点を見つけることも出来ました。

The inquiry about world celebration helps our inquirers to have a wider vision of the world and a deeper understanding of ways people express themselves. We hope that from this unit, they will develop the passion to express themselves in many ways.


We are also practicing hard for the Christmas show. Everyone is really looking forward to showing the perfromance to their families. Thank you for your help in preparing costumes and practicing the lines.


Jump out words sings a song from Vol 4. Please sing it at home.

Jump out words は、Vol4の歌を歌っています。お家でも是非歌ってみてください。

TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Savanna / World Celebration – Savanna 11/13 – 11/17