
Shimauchi Preschool




This week, we had our first-ever closing open day. Students ate their afternoon snack with their parents and had a fun afternoon circle time. Our little ones did their best to show their parents how they are doing at school. It’s been four months since we started our class, and we can see a lot of improvement in our little ones. We can see how they’re enjoying their school life and growing at the same time.  

To all the parents who came to our closing open day, thank you so much for your time. We truly appreciate your support in our various school activities.

Before the end of July, we had a simple yet very fun birthday party. We celebrated the birthdays of all the students who were born in July, and we practiced the dance for the Matsumoto Bonbon. Everybody enjoyed it and was very excited for the event this coming Saturday. See you there!

Our youngsters love music class! They enjoy singing Japanese songs, running and stomping around to the tune of the music, and using different musical instruments. These activities help them develop their hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. Dancing and moving to music can also help develop gross motor skills, such as balance and coordination.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Canyon / CANYON’S CLOSING OPEN DAY- July 29th-Aug 2nd