
Shimauchi Preschool


We did our best on the stage!ーCanyon(Dec. 11thー15th)

Hello everyone,

Hooray! Our awaited day has finally come! the big event of the yeat, ”The ISN’s Christmas Show!” Kids came to the performing center with their families with mixed emotions. It was their first time performing on the stage and feeling nervous is a normal reaction for everyone. Some kids were excited and couldn’t wait to shine and show off on the stage. Doing their best during the practice paid off! Canyon class never forgot their three goals when performing on stage: Smile, big gestures,s, and big voice. They had a blast and were so proud of themselves. We are so proud of you too, Canyon! You did a good job! To dear parents, thank you for your support, and hope you enjoyed the kids’ performance.

待ちに待った日がついにやってきました、一大イベントの”ISNのクリスマスショー” !!子ども達は少し緊張と期待を胸に、家族の方と一緒に会場にきました。でも、控室に集まるCanyonのお友達をみてすぐに笑顔になり緊張が解けた様子の子ども達。サンタ帽子を被り出番を待つ子ども達は、ドキドキよりもワクワクの方が多かった様子。みんなと一緒に決めた、3つのゴール”大きな声、大きなダンス、そしておおきな笑顔!”を確認し、しっかりと目標を達成できた子ども達を誇りに思います。そして最後はなんとサンタクロースも来てくれました。ビックリ!怖い!嬉しい!おもしろい!様々な感情が出ましたが、最後には一人ずつプレゼントをもらい大満足。特別なクリスマスショーになりました。みんな本当によく頑張りました!保護者の皆様、応援ありがとうございました。

We reflected and talked about the Christmas show when we were back to school the next day. We got feedback from the kids about their families and how they felt. They said their families were happy and were proud of them, too. We asked the children to draw about the Christmas show. They drew themselves, the three goals they had, and the feeling they had on the day. Well done, Canyon😊


Kids enjoyed playing with their clay making various facial expressions. They had a good imagination making the facial expressions they wanted to make. They looked so cute😊


Kids brought home their handmade Christmas decorations. They made with full of love and are excited to show to their families. They all looked so beautiful.


Keep warm and enjoy your weekend. See you on Monday.


TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Canyon / We did our best on the stage!ーCanyon(Dec. 11thー15th)