
Shimauchi Preschool


LET’S SAVE THE PLANET- Canyon Sept. 9th-13th


Yippee! We did it! The Sports Festival is over. We would like to congratulate our little ones for a job well done. You all did great! You conquered your fear of standing and performing in front of a lot of people. You showed everybody how happy you are with your performances and how you prepared for this event. Good job, everyone! We are so proud of you.

We would like to express our deepest gratitude to all the parents who attended our Sports Festival. Thank you for being part of it and making this event more enjoyable for our youngsters. Thank you for your continued support in our various school activities.

In this week’s UOI lesson, we discussed how to save our oceans and the animals living there. Some students suggested giving them food and putting the animals in the water. We asked them what would happen if people threw garbage in the ocean. They said the fish might eat it, and they would have a stomachache; then they might die because of that. The students shared that to save our oceans and sea animals, we have to pick up the trash in the ocean and throw it in the bin. Well done, Canyon! You are inquirers!

Our young ones made special bookmarks for their grandparents for this coming Grandparents Day. They come in heart and rectangular shapes. They tore the colorful paper and pasted them. We practiced what they are going to say to their grandma and grandpa when they give their present. Hope you like it.

Have an awesome long weekend, everyone!

TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Canyon / LET’S SAVE THE PLANET- Canyon Sept. 9th-13th