
Shimauchi Preschool


Fun In The Sun!

This week we started using the outside pool for the first time this season. The students have been so excited. Everyday during afternoon routine, they always say that it was their favorite activity of the day. It has been nice being able to play outside in this hot weather.


The phonics lessons have changed to focus more on writing this unit. The students have been learning about finding the sound in the words. They say them slowly and listen for each sound in the word focusing on the first sound. They will start by labeling their pictures with the first letter they hear. The students also have the option to try and spell the whole word if they would like to try.

今週のフォニックスでは、もう少しライティングにフォーカスしたレッスンを行いました。ある単語の1番初めの音を探す方法も学びました。子供達は慎重に単語を発話し、また単語の初めの音に注意しながら一つづつ丁寧に聞きました。子供達は初めに聞こえたアルファベットから始まる物の絵をそのアルファベットと一緒に描く活動をこれからしていきます。またもう少し挑戦したい子供には、単語の全スペルを書くようにも指導をしていきます。[envira-gallery id=”83334″]

Since it is the rainy season right now we decided to do a rainy day themed craft. They had fun with paint and water making all sorts of beautiful designs.

梅雨のこの時期、Rainy Season Craftを楽しみました。何色かの絵の具をコーヒーフィルターに浸し、マーブル模様を作り、それを傘に見立て雨粒を色鉛筆で描き、雨雲は綿で貼りました!


[envira-gallery id=”83315″]

We hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!良い週末を過ごしてください。

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