
Shimauchi Preschool


Savanna/Shooting Star October 16-20

This week we are really starting to feel the fall weather. It has also been very wet, and we have been playing inside more. Hopefully the rain will end soon, and we will have more time outside before it gets too cold!
In class, we have begun working on our performance for the Christmas show. We are also getting very excited about our Halloween party on October 27th. It is interesting to have both of these mixed together in the same month!
We have started to really focus on our new central idea, that people can tell stories in many different ways. We have been reading books, and watching short videos. We have also been exploring how stories can be told through song! The students are learning vocabulary to discuss stories, such as fiction, non-fiction, setting, characters, beginning, middle, and end. Please ask your child about these!
Along with our new UOI, we are studying the letter ‘w’, practicing making 10 with addition, and learning about rhyming words. We have decorated for Halloween with a couple of crafts, and we are learning new songs. You may have also seen a small book and log coming home with your child. Please read with them each night, ask them about the story, and sign the log. Mr. Jimmy and Ms. Amy are reading with your children each morning.
Next week will be very exciting, and I am sure the kids will start talking more and more about their costumes. We hope to see you at the Halloween party on Friday! Have a wonderful weekend!

TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Savanna / Savanna/Shooting Star October 16-20