Time flies so fast! We are now down to our last week of the class.
It’s really overwhelming to see how responsible and caring our youngsters are! Last week, we had a “Cheerful Assembly” at the campus wherein we did some fun and exciting activities for both parents and students. One of those was planting seeds.🌱 Our little ones didn’t forget to water them everyday. Thank you for your kindness, Canyon!✨
先週土曜日の “Cheerful Shimauchi “で行ったプランター作りでは、チューリップの球根とナゾの種(綺麗なお花が咲く予定です🤭)をみんなで植えました🌱 子どもたちは、芽が出たか、昨日と様子が違うところはないかとじっくり観察したり、土の濡れ具合を見て水が足りているかどうか考えながら、毎日の水やりをとても楽しんでいます🌈成長が楽しみだね✨

Outdoor play is one of our favorite things to do! It allows our young ones to become aware of their limits, boundaries, and challenge in their play.🏃🏻♀🏃🏻♂

Two of our youngsters turned 4 this month! They enjoyed their birthday party together with their friends and loved their birthday presents!🎁
Have a blast!!!🥳

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!✨