The Rainforest class started this week by sharing the results of their interviews with family members. The students returned with wonderful and exciting information about the “life beginnings” of their loved ones. The sharing session went well, and each student felt like they had traveled across Japan, exploring different hometowns, popular places, foods, and activities in each area. Our little inquirers were proud and touched to learn about their family members’ humble beginnings.

The imagination of our students is remarkable. When asked to share about their hometown, Matsumoto City, they accurately drew buildings and various locations around the city, labeling each one. They presented their drawings to their peers and included a brief explanation of why each place is special to them.

This week, the Rainforest class took their RAZ Reading level test. Each student was asked to read a book and answer comprehension questions. They were confident and proud to apply the phonics skills they had learned throughout the year, making progress in their reading development.

Next week, we will start inquiring how people grow and change. Let’s observe how our inquirers respond to the different changes they encounter…
Have a wonderful weekend!