We celebrate Autumn’s gorgeous orange, yellow, red and brown! Our feelings were expressed through our artwork collage of leaves, flowers, sticks and seeds. Savanna was thrilled by the abundance of nature in the park! We picked fallen gingko leaves, acorns, pine cones, clover flowers, sticks and twigs. We enjoyed the playground too!
Back in the classroom, our nature collage was carefully planned and executed. Savannah created expressive faces, animals, a train, and a maze! Savanna: “Surprised! Excited! This is a purple train. Happy is looking for praying mantis. This is a maze! Rabbit is eating a leaf. My daddy is surprised because I gave him a present!”

Our first line of inquiry was reviewed with a self-assessment. In ISN, we use SOLO Taxonomy to guide us in our learning. SOLO (Structure of Observed Learning Outcomes) Taxonomy is…
“The SOLO taxonomy is a model that describes levels of increasing complexity in students’ thinking and understanding. It was proposed by academics Biggs and Collis (1982) after classifying student’s thinking across a range of ages and a range of subjects. As thinking progresses across the levels, students move from factual, knowledge-based thinking to conceptual and abstract thinking and understanding.” https://www.inspiringinquiry.com/learningteaching/toolsstrategies/solo-taxonomy
We believe that each student has the capability to reflect, think about their learning and explain their self-assessments. In Savanna, each student placed a sticker in the column that best describes his or her learning. Then, one by one the teacher engages the student in a discussion to further understand their choices or re-think their self-assessments.

We have been busy preparing for our Christmas play “The Ants and the Grasshoppers”. We have been practising our script lines, our dances, making props and at the same time enjoying ourselves too! To Parents, thank you for your support in advance and as we get ready for the most anticipated event of the year. Till next week, keep warm and have a fabulous weekend!