Firstly, a BIG thank you, Parents for coming to our Swim Open Day. Savanna demonstrated their best swim skills and felt so proud. “My mummy was smiling. I went underwater! I can kicked so fast!” Savanna did a wonderful job thinking about the different helpers in our ISN community. Our overview in the form of a bubble map with photographs, drawings and short write-ups was finally completed. Well-done!

Savanna has been spotting Jump-Out words like the, and, to around the classroom displays, in books and even in the bubble map above. We underlined those words in yellow. The class has also been brushing up on their number skills. We played the game One More which requires the player to roll a dice and add 1. Then place a counter on the number. The player with 3 numbers in a row wins!
We worked on our two-dimensional (2D) shapes. We drew them with the help of wooden blocks and had a quiz. We reviewed basic 2D shapes – circle, square, rectangle, triangle, semicircle, oval and learned how to draw a pentagon which is like a house with 5 sides.

The highlight this week was definitely our fieldtrips. Our trip to Matsumoto Police Station was fruitful. We reflected on our visit and drew out our experiences. We learned that the police not only help us get ‘bad guys’ but they have other jobs too like saving cats from trees, helping people who are lost and assist during disasters.
The police officers showed us the protection suit and baton that the officers bring along with them during their patrols. We picked them up and they were heavy! Our favourite part was climbing into a real patrol car and hearing the siren! “I like the police car because the siren is loud! I like the police car because the police officer is cute!”

We also saw a video and were reminded about the dangers of talking to strangers such as “Do not follow anyone you don’t know. Call for help in a loud voice if someone tries to take you away.” We thanked the police officers in our most polite way before we departed. Thank you sir and madam. We saluted them! Till next week, have a wonderful weekend. (Our visit to the Fire Station will be updated in the blog next week.)