There are so many ways to show happiness on our faces. Savanna: “I have a big smile. My mouth is open. I am happy and my eyes are big. I am surprised… because I have a ring from Mummy! My mouth like this O! I am excited… I say yeah! My eyebrows go up.” Savanna was introduced words like glad, happy, excited, surprised and VERY happy to describe the intensity of good feelings.

Savanna read, traced and drew “I am happy” with great smiles and creative details. We made more creative artwork with sweet potatoes. From the last sweet potato harvest, small and slightly bruised potatoes were saved for our artwork – sweet potato stamping! Using various sizes of cut-potatoes, each student printed with paint the different happy expressions. They had to think which potato to pick for which part of the face …eyebrows, mouth, or even hair. Their artwork turned out well! Being Communicators, our fabulous artists presented their drawings to the class.
Savanna also shared about “Things That Make Me Happy, Glad, Excited”. Savanna: “Playing with my friends. Catching spiders. Going Mt Fuji with my family… Daddy, Mummy. Running. Music class. Looking at Mom’s face!”

This week we had a special treat from a puppet theatre. The talented puppeteers with their amazing puppets thrilled us with a wonderful story about finding the perfect bridegroom for Miss Mouse. We had our own show too in the class when we sang and performed “If You’re Happy and You Know It”. Till next week, take care and have a great weekend!