First, a big shout out to our October birthday boys (and a lady)… Happy 5th Birthday!

There are other big feelings that are not so good – negative feelings. Savanna gave some examples. When I fall, it hurts I cry. I feel sad…my mummy go to work. My friend is not playing with me. I am sad. The class was introduced words like upset, worried, confused and grumpy. We read the book “Grumpy Monkey” by Suzanne Lang. Jim, the monkey was grumpy and his friends tried to cheer him up. The rich jungle illustrations captivated the class, and of course Jim’s really grumpy face!
These are small negative feelings. These feelings get bigger – cross, angry, mad and very very mad!. Everyone tried making upset, sad and angry faces. Our eyebrows, mouths and body tell us a lot about our feelings. We frown, we give a scowl and we stomp our feet. Savanna was really good at making faces, and drawing them too!

For phonics, we have started making words with 3 letters that are CVC -consonant, vowel, consonant. The /-an/ word family was introduced as in pan, fan, man, can, ran. Picture cards with beginning letters (onset) and following letters (rime) for matching were shown to the class. Savanna tried blending the letters to read and wrote them down on whiteboards. Good job!

During Show and Tell, we had a wonderful surprise! Pippi, the Feelings Robot visited the class. It was made by one of our students. Her feelings can be changed by simply changing the little cards. What a clever invention! Thank you for sharing. We went for our walks again when the weather cleared. We spotted signs of autumn, finally! A persimmon tree with red and brown leaves – the leaves had fallen, and its fruits too. We have been singing our favourite autumn song “Orange, Yellow, Red and Brown”. Please see link below. Till next week, have a lovely weekend exploring the rich cultural city of Matsumoto. Happy Culture Day!