Our Christmas Play “The Ants and the Grasshoppers” was a roaring SUCCESS!!! 😍💕🎉🎉🎄🎄Savanna was absolutely FABULOUS! They delivered their lines expressively and danced so well. Most importantly, they thoroughly enjoyed themselves! Brother Ants, Sister Ants, Grasshoppers, Suns, Snowflakes, Ladybug and Butterfly showed us the spirit of love and forgiveness. Some of our favourite lines from the play: “You’re so cool! Next year, you must work! Ok, we promise! Oh, come on. What’s that? Smells good!”

Savanna’s thoughts about the Christmas Show: I enjoyed Jingle Bells… the dance, and singing. I like saying the words. I like the costumes. Mummy said it was GREAT! It’s good. Mummy said Congratulations, good show! My Grandpa took video… last part Merry Christmas! Mummy said you did great job. Grandma said that too.
Thank you dear Parents for your support in preparing the costumes, singing with your children, practising their lines and keeping them healthy! Till next week, keep warm and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!