The Rainforest class loves reading so much and inquiring about different blend sounds is one of their favorite activities.
Last week we looked into the difference between the digraph /ch/ and /sh/. To see their prior knowledge, they were tasked to try to read the word and find the matching picture. Each student read perfectly and found the correct match with no sweat.

This week, we followed up with the blend sounds /th/ and /ph/. These sounds are quite challenging to our inquirers especially the /th/ sound since their tongues are not used to using this sound. To set the mood, we did a Karuta game-like activity where the teacher read the word and the two opponents raced to pick up the correct card. After that, we had a speaking and listening drill where the students closed their eyes and needed to repeat the words the teacher would say.

The Rainforest class was very fortunate to be graced by the presence of the school’s Head PYPC, Ms. Phoebe. During her stay the inquirers presented their original story in different ways: Some group shared their story through storybooks, some kamishibai and puppet shows. The presentation left Ms. Pheoebe in awe and our inquirers were very proud to be able to make their own story using the information they have gathered in their inquiry on stories.

Our readers love reading a lot. This week’s reading lesson was a bit challenging yet fun for them as they needed to look for words that rhyme with the main words from the book! They worked together and helped each other pronounce words and analyze if the words are rhyming or not. What a wonderful way to practice their speaking and listening skills.

The Christmas show is just around the corner, and every class in the whole of ISN is busy preparing for it. This week, the Rainforest class helped the teachers make their props by painting the boxes, suggesting some designs, and adding small details.

Everyone had a wonderful time and is very excited to showcase their story and their talents not just in acting but also in storytelling.

We’ll see you next week and please look forward to witnessing the fruitage of our hard work!