The Rainforest Class is moving quickly to maturity; they are very busy getting ready for elementary life!
As part of their preparation, they tried something different in assessing themselves. Our inquirers are used to doing SOLO TAXONOMY as a class, everyone could see where their friends are at in their inquiry, but this time, it’s different, they did the assessment individually thinking and analyzing what they know and labeling themselves privately. They also learned that this assessment could be used at home especially when they are learning a new skill like cycling: Where am I? Do I need help, Do I know a few ideas, etc to help themselves how much effort they need to reach their goals?

Despite the chilly weather the whole class excitingly headed to the park this week to pick some autumn leaves to be used in their craft. We all had fun looking at the different colors of autumn and enjoyed playing with our friends!

The rehearsals for the Christmas show are still ongoing: This week we worked on their voice acting. They realized that to be able to tell the story well, they needed to work on their voices too, not just the sound but also the intonation and their enunciation of each word. Everyone is excited to see the totality of the stage play!

Have a wonderful weekend ahead!