What a wonderful performance that was!

First and foremost, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to our dear and lovely parents for taking the time to watch our performance and for being part of this special milestone for our little actors. Your support made everything possible.

Today’s performance wasn’t created overnight. Our young actors worked incredibly hard to bring such a magnificent play to life.

Peter Pan in Wonderland was a product of the creative imaginations of our little inquirers. They took the original Peter Pan story and gave it a unique twist, incorporating beloved characters from other Disney tales, including Jasmine from Aladdin, Elsa and Anna from Frozen, and various characters from Alice in Wonderland. They skillfully blended these elements to create an entirely new and exciting version of the Peter Pan story.

2024 has been an incredibly fun, productive, and enriching year for our little inquirers. We wish them a prosperous and joyful New Year! Together, we will continue to work hand in hand to create more unforgettable memories in preschool and prepare them for their exciting journey into elementary school.

Have a magnificent winter vacation, and as Peter Pan says: “I am happy now; I can fly again!” Stay happy and soar high to reach your dreams!
See you all in 2025!