皆さんもFICTS Naganoのウェブサイトをぜひご覧いただき、各会場で映画やドキュメンタリーをお楽しみください!
On Saturday, August 20th, the kickoff for the FICTS international film festival was held in our Gojo Campus. ✔︎
From the 20th until the 28th, various films focusing on sports, the Olympics and topics related to these will be shown at several venues in Matsumoto and Nagano.
On Saturday we enjoyed the opening ceremony from our campus, with messages from various top athletes who presented their messages in true international fashion: they spoke in Dutch, English and Japanese!
Quite possibly, the highlight of the show were our students, who had watched one of the documentaries and prepared a presentation to share their ideas.
We had invited students from grade 4 to grade 8, it was great to hear their opinions and see that they all had very different ideas about the documentary they saw.
We invite you to check the FICTS Nagano website and visit any of the venues to enjoy a movie/documentary.