
Gojo Middle School


The highs of a Middle School Student :)

The highs of a Middle School Student

“To look at the work of your peers, and learn how to explain with kindness and precision, the nature of their mistakes is, in fact, how you learn to diagnose your own work. – Steve Almond”

Group Study plays a very important role in every individuals’ life whether in school or college. Discussing with friends or classmates makes it easier to understand the particular topic or lesson. Group study benefits students in various ways. It increases one’s understanding of a subject, and also in generating more ideas about a topic. Students get to know which areas require more attention. Apart from studies, group study also helps in better bonding with friends. In a way, it strengthens the bond between friends followed by good grades. Discussing with friends will help them to cope up with the areas or subjects that they have skipped or could not understand during their self-study.  Studying together can give them a better understanding of subjects, which also boosts their confidence and motivates them to do better academically.

Every person has different ways of understanding things. One person’s perspective may differ from another. And this is quite common among students. Studying in a group will always allow one to get fresh perspectives on a topic.

They will be bound to develop critical thinking skills and notice that one concept can have a variety of different viewpoints. It not just clears their doubts, or gives them in-depth understanding but also enhances their listening skills. It gives them an opportunity to listen to ideas of their fellow group members which will help them in future while facing Group Discussions which are a part of the Interview process for a job or seeking admission in colleges.

“ COLLABORATION allows us to KNOW more than we are  capable of knowing by OURSELVES. – Paul Solarz”

In middle school, group work is often encouraged. These activities not only boost their social skills but also offer them a safe environment in which they can interact without all eyes of the class focused on them at once. Additionally, students will need to actively participate in helping the group reach its goals.  As a result, the teacher will be able to watch each student’s learning, confidence, critical thinking skills and other learning characteristics improve without interference. As teachers foster this safe environment, it strengthens students’ ability to think critically and speak up with confidence. With group work, teachers are asking students to take baby steps toward excelling academically since higher education will require far more group collaboration.

The Why’s of an Experience

Internship Program – Shimauchi Campus

“ In LEARNING you will TEACH, and in TEACHING you will LEARN. – Phil Collins”

Our economy changes daily, and with it, the talents, skills, and experience needed to be a part of that growth cycle change with it. The job market is competitive, and it can be a tough learning curve for recent graduates. Applied learning and internship opportunities are becoming a key part of a high schoolers’ experience for all students to meet the demand.

The most important element of internships is the integration of classroom knowledge and theory with practical application and skills. Student interns gain this experience in either professional or community settings.

Learning is one thing, but taking those skills into the workforce and applying them is a great way to explore different career paths and specializations that suit individual interests.More and more opportunities are coming along every day, providing students with experiences that can lead to personal and professional growth.

Probing the Power of Art

“ The aim of art is not to represent the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance. – Aristotle”

It was not long ago that arts education in schools was thought to be a luxury, and arts classes were cut from the curriculum to make room for more time to prepare for standardized tests. Currently, there is more and more information available that shows how crucial arts integration is to creating well-rounded, well-prepared learners and leaders.

Teaching through the arts can present difficult concepts visually, making them more easy to understand. Art helps learners to develop creative problem-solving skills. Art instruction helps children with the development of motor skills, language skills, social skills, decision-making, risk-taking, and inventiveness.

Visual arts teach learners about color, layout, perspective, and balance: all techniques that are necessary in presentations (visual, digital) of academic work. Integrating art with other subjects reaches students who might not otherwise be engaged in classwork.

The arts provide challenges for learners at all levels. Arts experiences boost critical thinking, teaching students to take the time to be more careful and thorough in how they observe the world. Art education connects students with their own culture as well as with the wider world.


 「仲間の作品を見て、その間違いの本質を親切かつ正確に説明する方法を学ぶことは、実は、自分の作品を診断する方法を学ぶことなのです。- Steve Almond





友達と話し合うことで、自習中に飛ばした分野や理解できなかった科目に対処することができます。 一緒に勉強することで、教科の理解が深まり、それが自信につながり、勉強を頑張ろう!✨という気持ちになります。



” コラボレーションは、私たちが自分たちだけで知ることのできる以上のことを知ることを可能にしてくれます。- Paul Solarz



さらに、生徒たちはグループの目標達成のために積極的に参加する必要があります。 その結果、教師は生徒一人ひとりの学習能力、自信、批判的思考能力、その他の学習特性が向上するのを、見ることができるようになります。


” 学ぶことで、教えることになり、教えることで学ぶことになる。-  Phil Collins”







” 芸術の目的は、物事の外見を表現することではなく、その内的な意味を表現することである。-  Aristotle”




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