
Gojo Elementary School


Grade 5: Weekly Wrap

Hi everyone!

This week has been a busy one! The first half of the week we focused on finishing our props for our performance day. We researched, sketched and finally painted the backgrounds of our play. Another big focus this week was remembering our lines and figuring out what our characters are like. In order to do this we watched Tim Burton’s adaptation of “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”, which has some great portrayals of the funky characters in the book.

We have also continued reading the book, students were given several chapters to read as homework and analyze the characters in the book. We hope students get inspiration on how to portray these characters in the play.

We also went to Penus Hall this morning for our first stage rehearsal. It’s also a big help for us to practice on stage so we can get a feel for what it’s like to act on stage of the Penus Hall.

A continuing topic this past week, has been te focus on being caring, principled and balanced. While there is still some work to be done, we did see some great examples, where students stood up for each other, tried to help each other in difficult situations and moments where they comforted each other. 

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