
Gojo Elementary School


G1 – Lovely Birthday Week at the Park

Hello, ISN family!

This week we are still trying to maintain our good relationships with everyone. Here we are presenting to the class our love rock painting. We told everyone what design we made and the message we wrote on it. We also told the class for whom the love rock is and why we chose to give it to that person.

These are our love rocks! Hope you got one from our classmates!

This week we also celebrated one of our student’s birthday! Here are some of us greeting her a happy birthday and even showing some more love by giving her presents. We hope she had the best birthday at school and was happy the whole day.

A student showed us her Kirby toy this week. She said that her mom gave her some money and she bought gacha-gacha. That’s how she got Kirby. It was so cute and pink!

We also listened to a story, “Breathe Slow and Steady Teddy.” In this book we learned that whenever we feel mad, sad, or afraid, we just need to pause and breathe slow and steady just like what Teddy did. After that we will feel better. We also practiced reading it with our group and presented it in class. There were some difficult words that we need to practice so we wrote it on the board, tried to know the meaning of the words and read it aloud in class. I think we have to repeat it five (5) times just to be able to say it correctly.

Ms. Phoebe said we all did great during the performance. We still have to do one more time confidently, with proper pausing and modulation or voice, and without mistakes so we are all hoping that we get to practice more next week. Please come and visit us and watch us perform!

Finally, it was a great time to have fun with classmates outside because the weather was so nice. We visited Toyoshina Nanbu Park. We played pass the message with our teams and also enjoyed the wide playground. We’re also excited because will visit more parks soon.

Thank you so much for reading our blog this week!

Until next time, ISN fam!

TOP / Gojo Elementary School / G1 / G1 – Lovely Birthday Week at the Park