
Gojo Elementary School


Grades 3 and 4: Treasures and Traditions

Hi, friends! Another interesting two weeks are behind us.

The students are actively preparing for their performance of “A Nightmare Before Christmas”, with only a month left until D day. They are dedicated, though. Some students have already learned all of their lines, songs and dances included, and are working hard on delivering them with movement and honest emotion. To achieve this, we have also been playing various acting games in the classroom, such as emotional charades and emotion bus. Hopefully, these will help students express their own emotion as well. 🚌

Thank you for your support with the costume preparation. Many parents lent us the clothes needed for some of the costumes! The students will work hard on assembling the costumes and work on their props starting next week.

We haven’t forgotten about our Unit of Inquiry either, and the students have made connections between different type of applied arts and talked about the culture and traditions of their city, Matsumoto. Next week, we will visit the newly renovated Matsumoto City Museum to learn more, and hopefully find answers to the questions we had on the topic. 🏯

Friday also brought a fun distraction in the form of our school house assembly and challenge. The griffins organized the challenge this time and it involved a treasure hunt the older students prepared for the younger ones. Everyone had fun and all the teams earned a lot of points! Go go, griffins, kirins, turtles and dragons! Have a fun weekend! 💚💛💙❤️

TOP / Gojo Elementary School / G3 / Grades 3 and 4: Treasures and Traditions