
Gojo Elementary School


Grade 2 – Are you ready for a giant peach?!

This week Grade 2 has been working hard to prepare for the Christmas show!

Due to a perfect storm of changing teachers and influenza-imposed closures, it has been all hands to the pump as we prepare for the Christmas performance!

We have allocated all the roles and students are working hard on their lines.

we are also putting together props and sets for the play, so far we have many peaches of varying sizes, waves, a house, and a garden, all in glorious technicolor!

Some of the backgrounds the students have been working on.

Aside from that, we have been working with adjectives and adverbs to help students better visualize their performances!

I’m already nervous! Fingers crossed! 

TOP / Gojo Elementary School / G2 / Grade 2 – Are you ready for a giant peach?!