Hello everyone
We had our “Spring Festival” at ISN Gojo campus!
We had so, so, so many of you there!
Here are some photos from today’s event

We had a great turnout of Gojo Campus students and parents, as well as ISN pre-schools and local community members!
We had more people than we could have imagined, so the food menu from the food wagon was sold out one after another .
We hope to see you all again next year at this Festival
The Gojo Campus Supporters’ prepared the booths for the bazaar early in the morning. Thank you all for your cooperation!!!!!!!✨

It was a great success and most of the food wagons were SOLD OUT💦.
By the time we tried to buy lunch, they were already sold out… too bad… 😢😂

大盛況で、なんとほとんどのフードワゴンがSOLD OUT💦
ISN Spring festival、来年度もぜひやりましょう!!