


Grade 1 – Our first week together! 🌸

Hi everyone,

It’s been a lovely week, we have been adjusting really well to our new surroundings! Every morning when we arrive, we greet happily and with big smiles. We love playing outside, hanging on the monkey bars, climbing up and down the jungle gym, and playing soccer with the older kids. Some of us have older sisters or brothers in Gojo. We are being introduced to their friends we are getting to know each other more, day by day. 

We are still getting used to the new schedule, lunch is a little later than before and there is a bigger focus on studying together, some of us will say: “I’m hungry!” or “I want to play outside!”… but day by day we are getting more used to our new schedule 🙂

During lunchtime, we serve each other and everyone tries all the food that we serve! Great job everyone!

Everyone has been very supportive of each other, reminding each other about the new rules that we set up for this new year. There is a lovely atmosphere in the classroom and we are looking forward to spending the rest of the year with each other!

Parents, if you would like to practice our morning meeting song at home, please find the video we use every morning, here: https://youtu.be/pqDEwPi7vxg

For the first unit of UOI, we’ve been trying to understand what relationships are. Though it was a bit difficult at the beginning since it is an unfamiliar word to us, through brainstorming and collaboration with each group, we we are able to correctly identify the meaning of the word. We ended up with this meaning, “Relationship is having a connection with people.” We also found out that we could have good and bad connections or relationships. We wanted to build the good ones inside the classroom so we tried to start with what we can do to be a good friend to our classmates and everyone in school. We traced our hand and listed down the things we can do to be a good friend on each finger. We also made friendship flowers where we wrote down the learner profiles we can use to be a good friend. Of course, we will always try our best to remember these things because we want to make more friends this school year.

For the remaining days we are planning to finish our friendship flower, we will write our names on each petal. This will be a reminder to everyone that we are a team because we work together to make the flower complete and that we are all special and unique.

Here we are trying to show our thinking and happy pose to Ms. Phoebe. And this is our class doing opur best to spell the sight words.

By the way, we also met our new Japanese teachers for this school year. We enjoyed our P.E. class with Mr. Terry, our Music class with Ms. Inuma, and Japanese/Math classes with Ms. Keiko. Our circle is now getting bigger and bigger. More learning means more challenges and we are happily embracing it.

Thank you for reading our blog. 

Until next time!

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