
Gojo campus


Grade 5 – SNOW WEEK ☃️⛷️

Hello everyone! It has been getting nice and warm as we are getting closer to the spring season. 🌸
We had a nice dump of snow last week, which was super great for the students as we got to play in the snow and have a nice base for the ski lesson day. Grade 5 and above students went to Jiigatake ski resort in Hakuba last Friday to learn how to ski as part of the PE class. By the end of the day, students were professional skiiers. We are so glad they had loads of fun! ⛷️❄️

The last line of inquiry of this unit was how technology positively or negatively affect our modern lives. The students thought about and researched how technology positively affects our lives and then how technology negatively affects our lives. Then we discussed whether they thing technology positvley or negatively affects our lives. Most students came to the conclusion that it is a bit of both. To use technology postively in our lives, it is important to know the negatives and try to minimise those where we can.

We have come to the end of unit 5. At the end of each unit, the students reflect on what they think they did well and what they want to work on for next unit. This time, we did a longer reflection as we are getting ready for the student-parent-teacher conferences. The students looked back on everything they did this year and picked out some of their best work to show their parents.

This week, we have started unit 6, our last unit of the year. The topic is environment and our central idea is humans play a role in affecting the weather and the environment. The students have come of with many interesting wonder questions they would like to learn about!

I hope you have a great week and see you next time!

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