
Gojo campus


Spring Festival 2024 (Communication with Parents)

Hello, everyoone!

Last April 20th was our school’s Spring Festival. The event started in the afternoon at around 1:30PM. There were a lot of booths and we had a lively bazaar on our school grounds. The visitors reached up to 300 on that day!


In the morning, parents came to visit the classroom and observe our UOI classes. The last period was used for class communication. Parents were involved in activities created by their children in class. It was also a time for the Homeroom Teachers and their parents to get to know each other and establish their goals for the whole school year.

午前中は、参観日がありました。UOI の授業を参観していただきました。その後、各クラスで交流会を行いました。保護者の皆様に子どもたちが作ったアクティビティに参加していただいたり、自己紹介をしていただいたり和やかな時間を過ごしていただきました。また、担任と保護者がお互いを知り、今年度の目標を立てる時間でもありました。

Grade 1 talked about relationships at school and at home. They also answered activities in English about common nouns.

Grade 2 created a vision map with their parents and discussed about their school community.


Grade 3 explained their surroundings and explored on navigation and maps.


Grade 4 & 5 gave an overview of school year, introduced Toddle, and answered questions from the parents.


Grade 6 I had some activities about the repercussions between the brain(nervous system) and their body movements (muscle system).

6年生 私は、脳(神経系)と体の動き(筋肉系)の相互影響についてのアクテビティに取り組みました。。

After the observation and parents’ meeting, everyone gathered in the playground to have lunch and enjoy the different food stalls and bazaar. The squid game and the alphabet scavenger hunt were the next activities on the list.


We are all looking forward to the next Spring Festival. Thank you very much for all your support and for making this event possible and successful!


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