

勝つため? 受け入れるため? To win over others? or to accept others?

かねてからフィンランドの教育に高い関心があります。良いと評価されている教育を実地している国のカリキュラムや方法を軸にリサーチしたり、関係者と話をする中で、国や教育方法により人生観、価値観に根本的な違いがあることに気が付きました。簡単にまとめると、「競争に勝つことが優先される文化」と、「共存/助け合う事が根底にあるとされる文化」。前者は、人間の持つ飽くなき欲望と、他者との比較の心理ゲームやラットレースが、”人工的に作られたものさし”の中で永遠に続きます。後者は、学びとは自分と周りを幸せにするためものである根底。物差しが無いながら、幼児児童期の基礎教育や社会的スキルの大切さをうたい、人間そうあるべく ”個性” 第一にサポートが提供されます。フィンランドの教育の何がそんなに効果的なんだろう?個人的に学んでいる一部は以下の内容を含みます。






I had an interest in the Finnish education system for a while now. Researching on the curriculum and teaching methods of countries that I believe foster and provide good education, I noticed that there is a fundamental difference in views on life and values from country to country. Simply put, there are cultures that give priority to winning and being the best among the competitors and then there are cultures that foster coexisting with each other and cooperation. The former are filled with psychological games and human races. In these, people will never be satisfied with themselves and the racing will continue forever. In the latter, the basis for learning is simply making oneself happy. There is no comparing oneself with others in simple forms of measuring success and support is provided for each individual based on their personality. Everyone can learn the importance of basic education and social skills from early childhood.

What is so effective about Finnish education?

In Finland, priority is given to education and complete understanding and support of the individual. A large part of the country’s national education budget is spent on research of teaching methods and providing the teachers with support and training.

The government institutions leading the research, various specialist teams, training teams, and apprentices meet every day to collaborate and communicate ways and ideas of making education more suitable to students.

What can we accomplish at ISN regarding this? We will continue to explore and try our best.


TOP / 代表ブログ / 勝つため? 受け入れるため? To win over others? or to accept others?