

メルボルン大学とのパートナーシップ / Partnership with the University of Melbourne












既に学士号を取得し、Master of Teaching (Secondary), Master of Teaching (Primary) or Master of Teaching (Early Childhood) degreeの修士号を受けている先生達が、1ヶ月ほど、ISNに研修をしに来日する予定です。










University of Melbourne is ranked as the No. 1 University in the University rankings of Australia.

On January 15, I have recieved a request for partnership with ISN from the University’s Faculty of Education’s graduate school.

The University of Melbourne’s Faculty of Education is ranked as one of the Top 5 in the world.


Since the Graduate school is aiming for bettering global education, in its curriculum, its curriculum includes ways of cooperating with schools outside of Australia and they have cooperation agreements with schools in 8 different countries.

It seems that their students wanted to cooperate with a school in Japan and have chosen and contacted ISN.


Teachers who already posses a Bachelor’s degree and are studying for a Master’s degree (Master of Teaching (Secondary), Master of Teaching (Primary) or Master of Teaching (Early Childhood)) at the Faculty are planning to visit Japan and ISN for a 1-month training. The trainees seem to have been selected very carefully, depending on their school grades, attitude and motivation.


We will inform you of more details as soon as the agreement is complete.

Looks like it will be fun! 🙂


TOP / 代表ブログ / メルボルン大学とのパートナーシップ / Partnership with the University of Melbourne