
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Last month of the school year (Milky Way)

We are in the last month of the school year and our class is getting ready for the exciting events that will happen in March! For our final assessment in UOI, we will have a simple presentation during the class Open Day. We have been using our UOI schedule this week to prepare for this special event. The students chose which Earth Hero they want to be on the Open Day. Half of the class chose to be Water Heroes, while the other half chose to be Tree Heroes. They will present the uses and importance of the natural resource that they have chosen and they will also share ways on how to save them. We are excited for you to see our simple presentation!

早いもので、今年度最後の月を迎えました。Milky Wayのみんなは、今月迎える楽しみなイベントに向け準備を始めました。天然資源に関するユニットの最後のアセスメントとして、参観日に合わせみんなで発表をおこなうことにしました!今週のUOIの時間は、この発表に向けた準備をしました。参観日の日に向け、自分たちが何の地球を助けるヒーローになりたいかを考え、クラスの半分の子たちが「水のヒーロー」、もう半分の子たちが「木のヒーロー」になることに決めました。自分たちが選んだ天然資源の使い道と重要性を発表し、どうやってその資源を守るかも伝えます。参観日にお見せするのが待ち遠しいです♬

This week we also had a chance to make our Hinamatsuri craft. We used paper cups and some origami papers to make this lovely art. The kids enjoyed designing clothes for their dolls. They even make a cute backdrop for these paper cup dolls using milk cartons and gold-colored origami papers. Through these activities, the students will not just be able to develop their fine-motor skills but they will also get to recognize the local culture.


Thank you for reading our blog! Happy weekend!


TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Milky Way / Last month of the school year (Milky Way)