
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Shooting star: Off to the next level.

And we have finally reached the finish line for the school year 2020-2021! 遂に今年度が全て終了しました。

It has indeed been a long journey for the whole class. They have experienced many things, and have learned some lessons from those experiences thus equipped them to be good Milkyway students! 最後まで辿り着くまでには長い旅路だったはずです。子供達はたくさんの経験を積み、その経験から多くの事を学び、そして年長組になる準備につなげてきました。

Today in the classroom, we had a little party for both Shooting Star and Savanna! We opened the divider wall and made the students play a couple of games: They had so much fun playing the musical chair and Freeze dance game. The kids were excited and filled the room with giggles and lots of laughter! 最終日の今日は、SS/SVクラス合同でささやかなパーティーを開きました。教室の仕切りを開き、いくつかのゲームをしたりして楽しみました。椅子取りゲームをしたり、音楽の指示にあわせた動作を楽しむダンスで盛り上がりました。教室内にダンスをして身体を思うがままに動かす子供達の笑い声が溢れました!

After the game, the teachers have presented certificates to the students, as a souvenir for their tenacity and hard work for the whole year! The kids loved the certificates and were so proud to have them. ゲームをした後は、先生からの修了証をもらいました。今までの頑張りを褒め、挑戦を讃えてもらい、子供達は大喜びでした。

Before finishing the day, both Savanna and Shooting star classes went to Alps Park to enjoy the good weather and enjoyed the company of each other. The most memorable thing we did in the park was, all of us, teachers and students, went down the hill through a slide! There were two long slides, and all of us hopped on it and made our way down! That was very exciting for the kids because they were able to hang out with their teachers and friends!午後には、アルプス公園へ出掛けました。天気も良く、お友達と楽しく遊びました。一番の思いでは、先生も子供達もみんなで公園の上からの下までローラー滑り台をいっきに滑り降りた事です!

Another chapter has ended for the Shooting star students today, but it is not the last one, because there are more fun and exciting happenings that await them. これでまだ一つのチャプターが終わりました。でもこれはまだ最後ではありません。まだまだたくさんの楽しみが待っています!

For now, they are off to the next level!次の学年まで暫くお休みになります。  

Have a wonderful weekend! 良い週末をお過ごしください!

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