
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Welcome to Meadow Class(April 12th−16th)


Hello everyone,


It’s our pleasure to welcome our new friends for joining us from this school year. Also to our old students who have joined us from last year, we are delighted to have you all in our class. Let’s have fun, learn, grow and make the most of our time together. To parents, we wholeheartedly appreciate your support and let’s work together for the kids.


On the first day of school, it was hard for the kids to be away from their parents. Some of them spent their time crying the whole day. As days go by, they enjoy playing with friends together and smiles can be seen on their faces.

スクールの初日、子供達はお父さん、お母さんと離れるのに寂しい思いをしました。何人かは一日中泣いて過ごしました。一日過ぎるごとに、みんなお友達と遊ぶことを楽しむようになり笑顔も見られました。We spent most of our mornings playing in the school yard. They ran around, playing the sand and one thing that caught most of their attention was the insects they found climbing on the little tree. They started to interact with their friends and talked together as they stared and touched them.


Our first gym

On our gym day, we always go to the gym by bus. Our kids sat very nicely and was overjoyed getting on the bus for the first time. We started stretching and our little ones never hesitated following the teacher. Hula hoops were being scattered on the floor. Our little ones were amazed seeing those and they started rolling them and played as they like. They had so much fun.



We were so excited to make our craft.


Our topic for this month is about colors. We started memorizing colors by singing “The rainbow song”and made our craft of rainbow hand print. Our little ones were attracted of the colors of the paint and couldn’t wait for their turn. They were tickled when paint were brushed on their palm but they all had a very nice rainbow handprint done! You did it, Meadow😊

今月のテーマは色について学んでいます。” The rainbow song”の歌を歌って、色を覚えることを始めました。そこでレインボーカラーの手形のクラフトをしました。子供達は手に塗った絵具に興味深々で待ちきれない様子でした。みんな手のひらに筆で色を塗られる時、くすぐったがっていました。それでもみんなとても素敵なレインボーカラーのハンドプリントを完成させました!Meadowクラスのお友達、よくできたね!

Thank you for reading our blog. Have a pleasant rest and enjoy your weekend.


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