
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


After the rain (Shooting Star – May 17 to 21)

The weather has been gloomy this week but not for shooting star.

On Monday, We started our week by practicing to write the letter E. We studied its sound, some words that start with the letter E, we identified which group does it belong to Tall, Small, or hanging letter? and most importantly, how to write it. The whole class enjoyed practicing writing and they get better as time passes by.

Each of the students has been developing their fine motor skills well, and they were able to hone the skills more through the activity that they did for UOI. They drew what they think their parents do for them and also what they do for their mom and dad. They did not just practice their drawing skills in the said activity, but also their thinking skills: they used their imagination, put their thoughts in drawing, and voiced it out.
UOIレッスンは お絵描きを使ったアクティビティが多く、 色々なアクティビティを通して、生徒たちの微細運動能力が発達しています。今週のUOIレッスンではお父さん、お母さん、自分は家族のために何をするかを上手に描きました✐お絵描きのアクティビティでは、絵を描く能力だけを使うわけではありません。考える能力も鍛えられます。子ども達にたくさん考えてもらうため、色々なシナリオや質問もしています。お絵描きには創造したり、考えたりする能力も必要なのです!みんなお絵描きをしながら、自分の考えを口にしている子もいました。

The shooting star class is so drawn to reading, too! They love reading their weekly book and they amazingly learn to read fast.
SSクラスのみんなはリーディングも大好きです!毎週ちがう本をみんなで読む練習をするのが大好きなようです!📚大好きだから覚えるのも習得するのもとても速いSSさん!さすがですね😉 毎週持ち帰る本はご自宅で保管してください。子ども達に読んでもらったり、一緒に読んだりもしてみてください!

It has been raining a lot lately, but for Shooting star class, life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain.

Playdough Time

Have an ecstatic week, everyone!

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Aurora / After the rain (Shooting Star – May 17 to 21)