
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Rainy days(Meadow- May 17th-21st)


Hello everyone,


It has been raining the whole week and we spent most of the time indoor. We have thought of activities to make our little ones active each day, moving their bodies and lots of things to enjoy. We made the craft about rain. We made the cloud made of cotton, and the children enjoyed dipping their fingers in the blue and white paint to make a rainfall. It’s a good experience for them to use their fingers to feel what they touch and express what they felt.


Everytime we go outside we make it a habit to kids to line up. Also, making a train, trains the children not to go separately from the teacher and friends . We practiced making a train by holding the friend’s shoulder gently, following a friend in front walking nicely while singing “choo choo chugga chugga choo choo” They all did well.

外へ出る時はいつも子供達は並ぶのを習慣にしています。また、電車のようにつながって並び、先生やお友達から離れて行かないようにしています。お友達の肩に優しく手を当て「チューチュー チャガチャガ チューチュー」と歌いながら前を歩く友達に続いて歩きました。みんな良くできました。

They also enjoyed jumping over the rings, balancing their body walking on the bars and crawling in the tunnel. They all sweat and had fun😊


Sorting colours was fun. We made a hole on the box and each hole has each designated colours. Our little ones enjoyed tearing the newspaper to make a ball and wrapped them with origami paper. “Ready~~go!” Each of them took turns to shoot the ball in the box with the matched colours they had. They were able to sort colours correctly. Good job, Meadow class!

色分けは面白いです。箱に穴を開けそれぞれの決まった色を付けたものを作りました。子供達は新聞紙を破いて楽しんだ後ボールを作りそれらを折り紙で包みました。「よーいどん」でみんな順番に色が合ったボールを箱に入れました。みんな色を正しく分けることが出来ました。Meadowクラスの子供達 、頑張ったね!

Our topic for this month is about “family”. We sang the “family finger song” and our little learners copied the teacher’s gesture moving their 10 fingers to the music. Then, each student took their family picture and introduced them in front of their friends pointing grandma, grandpa, mom, dad, brother and sister. We saw smiles on their faces while they talked about their families and we felt their love to them😍

今月のトピックは「家族」についてです。「family finger song」を歌い、子供達は先生が音楽に合わせて10本の指を動かす動作を真似しました。それから、子供達は家族写真を使ってお友達の前でおじいさん、おばあさん、お母さん、お父さんお兄さん、弟、お姉さん、妹を指さしながら紹介しました。みんな家族の話をしている時笑顔が見られました。

Thank you for reading our blog. Keep safe and have a wonderful weekend.


TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Meadow / Rainy days(Meadow- May 17th-21st)