
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


MY BODY PARTS- Rainbow May 24th-28th

Hi everyone!
It was another fun ang exciting week for our Rainbow class!
This week, we focused on discussing the different parts of the body. We sang and danced “head, shoulders, knees, and toes” song, enumerated and determined the body parts, and did “color the body parts” activity. It was really amazing how our little ones easily remembered and recognized it! They really enjoyed every activity we did in the class!🌟

皆さん、こんにちは! レインボークラスは今週も楽しく刺激的な1週間を過ごしました! 今週は、体のさまざまな部分について学ぶことに焦点を当てました。 「頭、肩、膝、つま先」の歌を歌って踊り、体の部位を数え上げ「体の部位に色を付ける」活動をしました。 小さな子ども達がそれらを簡単に覚え、認識してしまうことに驚かされます。様々な活動の全てに楽しく取り組みました!

We also did a “panda craft”! We put the ear, hand, and leg of the panda in its proper places.🐼


Also, for our “family” topic, we did “color the family members” activity. This activity aims to develop our young ones’ fine motor skill. Coloring encourages focus and nurtures creativity of the child.✍️

また、「家族」のテーマでは「家族を彩る」活動を行いました。 この活動は、子供たちの総体的運動能力を発達させることを目的としています。 ぬりえは集中力を高め、子供の創造性を育みます。

One of our youngsters turned 3 this month!🎈
He was so happy on his birthday party at school! He loved his birthday card and present! Have a blast!!!✨


Have a great weekend and keep safe everyone!⭐


TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Rainbow / MY BODY PARTS- Rainbow May 24th-28th