
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


We Celebrate Our Uniqueness” Aurora- June 21-25


Summertime is here and as our days stretch longer, the sun shines brighter and hotter.
It’s been another week of exploration and convivial atmosphere in Aurora. Please read our blog leisurely.夏がいよいよやって来ました!日が長くなり、日差しが強くなってきました。オーロラクラスの陽気な雰囲気の中、また探究の1週間が終わりました。ブログをお楽しみください。

✅ Unit of Inquiry

This is our summative assessment week. What we did, we made our own book entitled, “My Aurora Book”. We gathered together all our worksheets and bound them with a ribbon. Then we presented our book in front of the class. How wonderful it was listening to our littlest presenting with sentences in English like, “This is my Aurora Book, This is me, This is my face, I like blue, I like broccoli, and many others. Our book brought us an important message that we should all be proud of who we are, and celebrate the things that make us unique. Well done, Aurora class.

今週は、クラスで総合的な評価を行う週となりました。My Aurora Bookと題し、自分自身についての本を制作しました。これまで学んできた内容に沿ったワークシートなどを一つの本にまとめてリボンでとじました。その後、一人ひとりがプレゼンテーションを行いました。This is my Aurora Book, This is me, This is my face, I like blue, I like broccoli, and many others. と英語のセンテンスで発表する姿はとも素晴らしかったです。この本の制作は、自分の存在を誇りに思い、個性を褒めたたえるという大切なメッセージを子供達に与えました。さすが、オーロラさん、本当に良くできました!

✅ Craft

Another exciting activity that we did this week was our Star Festival craft. Ms. Hitoko explained to us the origin of this event. It celebrates the meeting of the deities Orihime and Hikoboshi . According to legend, the Milky Way separates these lovers, and they are allowed to meet only once a year on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. We made our Tanabata craft using crayons, scissors, and glue. It was fun!


✅ Gym

We had so much fun in the gym. After doing the physical exercise, We practiced the race for Sports Festival. On your mark, get set go! While our friends were running, we cheered for them 👏👏👏. Then we played with a colorful big balloon. It made our Gym class even more enjoyable.


✅ Park

Every week, we go to the park by bus and on foot. We always have something new to explore every time we go. We share lots of good memories together.


✅ Story Time

Everyday, after singing the goodbye song, Ms. Hitoko picks up two story books for us. We enjoy listening to stories read for us in Japanese and English.


Have a great weekend everyone.良い週末をお過ごしください。

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