
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


We enjoyed the outdoor play (Meadow-June 21-25)

Hello everyone,


The weather was good and we took advantage of going to the huge park where we saw trains passing by. Our active learners really enjoy outdoor play. Playing outside is fun, exciting, and important for children’s learning development. They also embraced the freedom to shout, jump, run around hop and skip. We brought along with us blowing bubbles and a ball that they enjoyed and let them used lots of energy running and catching them. They develop their gross motor skills. They also had the chance to explore different spaces and touched natural objects like leaves, sand, and picking up dried nutshell. That helps develop their fine motor skills.


On your mark… set… Go!


This week, we started practicing for our sports day. Our little learners learn how to follow instructions and where to go when they hear this signal “ On your mark, set~~Go! They were also surprised seeing the para-balloon and so excited about what to do. They grasped tightly as we made a circle around it. They get on and in, lifting it up while following teachers and friends. Go, go, go, Meadow!

今週、運動会の練習を始めました。子供達はどのように指示を聞くのか、そして「位置について、よーいドン!」の合図を聞いてどこへ行くのか を学んでいます。子供達はまたパラシュートの形のバルーンを見て驚き、バルーンで行うことにわくわくしていました。みんなその周りに円を作りながらバルーンをしっかりと掴みました。先生やお友達に続いて、上に乗ったり、中に入ったり、持ち上げたり しました。頑張れ Meadowクラスお友達!

We can see vehicles on the road


In continuation of our topic about transport, We posted the picture of the road on the wall, we asked each student to pick up the transport card and stuck them on. They were able to listen and picked the correct one and mentioned them in front of friends.


Our Weather Wheel


We did an activity about the weather. First, we reviewed the weather then we explained and demonstrated the instructions. We made a weather wheel hanging on the wall and flashcards to show to let them distinguish what weather it is like. For example, when they see an umbrella, they can say that the weather is … rainy! and they will move the arrow to the direction where they can see the rainy weather. They did well in distinguishing the weather.

天気についてのアクティビティをしました。まず、天気を確認して説明したり指示を実演してみせました。天気の図表を壁に貼り、フラッシュカードは何の天気がどのようなのか見分けるために見せました。例えば、傘を見たら天気は…雨!ということが出来ます。雨の天気を見つけたら、矢印を絵の方向へ向けます。 みんな天気をしっかりと見分けられました。

Happy Birthday To You!


We ended our week celebrating this month’s students’ birthday. We all sang happy birthday clapping our hands together and we took photos with them. “We look forward to your growth and development and hope to spend the days together as we enjoy learning😊

今月誕生日の生徒をお祝いして今週を締めくくりました。みんなで一緒に手を叩きながらHappy birthdayの歌を歌い、一緒に写真を撮りました。みんなの発達と成長を楽しみにしています。楽しみながら一緒に学び日々を過ごしていきましょう。

Thank you for reading our blog. Have a nice weekend.


TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Meadow / We enjoyed the outdoor play (Meadow-June 21-25)